Cita Bella Magazine

Coopervision Misight Launch


This Magazine article in Chinese follows the medical training and surgical experience of Dr Cheryl Lee in the United Kingdom, America and France. It also talks about her personal life.



Cheryl Lee ,the medical director of Pacific Eye Centre brings back with her more than 10 years of international experience in the field of Ophthalmology. She received a wide range of specialist training in England at Cheltenham, Cambridge and Bristol; in America at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami; and in France at the Pitie-Salpetriere hospital in Paris.

“I want Singapore to be aware of the Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL),which is Beyond Lasik. ICLs are made of Collagen, implanted Into the eye behind the iris through a tiny self-healing opening (2.65 – 3.2 mm). Rather than altering the shape of the cornea by thinning the corneal tissue as in LASIK, the cornea (where light enters the eye) is kept pristine, therefore side effects sometimes found with LASIK such as dry eyes, glare and corneal flap complications are eliminated.”

During Covid, our conferences were virtual. This was filmed for the British Contact Lens Association on the use of contact lenses for myopia control in children. Are contacts safe for children? How effective are contacts for myopia control? We made videos to teach the insertion and careful usage of contact lenses. I was asked which was better atropine or contact lenses.

Dick Lee is an Eye ambassador spreading the word because of his personal experience with retinal detachments linked to his severely high myopia.

Photo taken at The Eye Ball organised by the Singapore National Eye Centre

The magazine Asian Parent interviews

Dr Cheryl Lee to get help to control myopia.

34% of kids age 7-9 years in Singapore are short-sighted. What is the reason for this high prevalence and what is myopia management?

Myopia control Education for optometrists

  • Do not underpower their glasses. Myopia control glasses are not enough

  • Start myopia control the moment myopia is diagnosed. Do not wait as it can only get worse


Radio podcast on Money Fm with Clarissa Monteiro.

Debunk some eye myths , tips on getting your kid off devices and more. Atropine drops better than contacts for myopic children?