Angle closure Glaucoma

Why do I have a chance of developing it?

What can I do to prevent it?

What is Angle closure glaucoma?

I am hypermetropic with a higher chance of angle closure glaucoma.

Why is that? What is Hypermetropia?

What are my options to prevent angle closure glaucoma?

Which one should I choose ?

There are two options. A laser iridotomy or cataract surgery. The iridotomy allows an extra passageway for the aqueous humour to flow out of your eye to prevent build up of pressure. The cataract surgery creates space in the eye by removing your fat and ageing lens (also called a cataract) and it also gives you the joy of not needing to wear glasses for seeing in all distances. I would discuss with you more when I see you to what suits you better “

“Doctor, what is a peripheral iridotomy?”

Cataract surgery on the other hand , works by removing the bulging lens and creating more space in your eye and thus relieving pressure. The lens implant if you were to choose a multidistance lens also means you would have freedom from glasses too, so that is a double advantage.