Eye Drops to replace Reading Glasses
We can prescribe eye drops to help with reading vision problems. These innovative drops are exclusive to The Eye Clinic by Dr Cheryl Lee. Using one drop a day could improve your near and far vision. If you've started wearing reading glasses, you may have seen your vision decline fast. Battle presbyopia. Visit us to try these eye drops!
The reason for why vision for near gets more difficult is because the crystalline lens in your eye gets stiffer with age and the ciliary muscles have to push harder to change its shape from oval to round. The drops strengthen the muscles similar to working out your muscles at the gym so you can lift a heavier weight.
This drop is especially good for patients with good far vision but with difficulties for near vision.
Some patients would benefit more from cataract surgery and lens implants but I would discuss with you to which option you would prefer first.
Watch the video that explains why we get presbyopic.