What do you mean ?

“My cornea is too thin“

“Seems to be the only part of me that is thin, HAHA”

The thickness of your cornea only matters in laser surgery because the lasik/Smile/PRK thins the cornea even more. The higher your prescription the more layers of the cornea the laser needs to remove. So for the same eye, you may pass for Lasik if your prescription was lower at 200 degrees than if you were eg 400 degrees. That explains why some patients are left under corrected as there is a limit to how much of their cornea can be thinned /prescription can be corrected before the cornea becomes dangerously thin.

Evo ICL procedure does not remove any layer of your cornea at all. That is why corneal abnormalities, scars, keratoconus, corneal thickness or dry eyes is not of any concern.